Working in all areas of Corporate Social Responsibility

At Ropox, we focus on increasing the quality of our performance by integrating social and environmental considerations into all our activities.

On an ongoing basis, we monitor all relevant environmental and occupational health and safety acts to ensure that, to the best of our knowledge, our activities are compliant with established legal requirements.

ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
We have introduced a quality management system and environmental management system, which in 2015 made it possible to fulfill all the standards for obtaining the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.

In 2018 we have been audited and approved in SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)

SMETA is one of the most widely used social audit procedures in the world. It provides a globally-recognised way to assess responsible supply chain activities, including labour rights, health & safety, the environment and business ethics.   


Collaboration with our Supply chain
Working in all areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is complex. We believe that through collaboration and education in the supply chain with our suppliers and other partners, we can influence and improve practices and mentalities.
Because of the complexity of the CSR work, it is difficult to issue guarantees on the products of our suppliers. But we guarantee that we are aware of our responsibility, and we are working to improve the quality and CSR practices throughout all our supply chain.
As part of these efforts, we ask our suppliers to comply with the Ethical Trading Base Code. The ETI base code can be found here: https://www.ethicaltrade.org/eti-base-code

In the present CSR declaration, we confirm our efforts in the following areas:

Human Rights

We support and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also comply with the ETI base code. Promoting human rights standards internally and throughout all our business is in line with our leadership style and values.


·        We are ISO 14001 certified.

·        We continuously work on the development and adoption of environmentally friendly technologies.

·        In order to ensure our constant improvement, we are working on the establishment of environmental goals and action plans.

·        We monitor observance of laws.

·        Waste, including recyclable waste, is separated according to the regulations of the Danish environmental authorities for recovery or disposal at authorized treatment facilities.

·        Hazardous waste is labelled, stored and disposed of, as instructed by the authorities, at environmentally approved receiving facilities.

·        The company has minimized the use of packaging to the extent possible.

·        We also seek to reduce the use of raw materials, water and energy in order to minimize environmental impacts.

Terms of employment:

·        All employees have a written and duly signed employment agreement, which includes information about the nature of work, working hours, salary and holidays.

·        In order to ensure that all employees understand their employment conditions an employee handbook is available.


·        Salaries are paid on a regular basis and on time, according to the employment agreement.

·        We comply with existing rules regarding minimum wage.

·        Salaries for overtime are disbursed according to national laws.

·        We comply with national laws as to settling of holiday.

Working hours:

·        Working hours comply with national laws and collective agreements

·        The weekly working hours is maximum 45 hours, excluding overtime.

·        The employee gets at least 11 consecutive hours of rest within every period of 24 hours.

·        Workers has the right to at least one day off in every 7-day period

·        The employee has the right to a break in which he/she can leave the place of work, if the working day is longer than 6 hours.


·        No employee may under any circumstances be exposed to bodily punishment or any other form of physical, sexual or psychological penalty, harassment or degradation.

Freedom of association

·        We do not discriminate or in any other way make decisions that are affected by the employee’s affiliation with a trade union or other association.

·        We do not influence the employees to be members of a particular trade union.

·        We do not interfere with trade unions or other associations which are formed in the workplace.

·        Employees are not dismissed because of their affiliation with a trade union.

·        A particular trade union is not favored.


·        Within the company, no person is subject to discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, national extraction, social origin, ethnic origin, age or handicap.

·        Within the company, no person is subject to discrimination in hiring, dismissal, transfer, promotion, wage setting, setting of working conditions or competency development. All decisions regarding employment, promotion, dismissal, wages and other working conditions are based on relevant and objective criteria.

Forced labour

·        Force, threats or disciplinary means are not used.

·        We do not engage in debt slavery or the trafficking of human beings.

·        We do not intentionally cooperate with other companies which use forced labor or withhold identification papers or wages from employees with the aim of forcing the employees to work.

·        Our employees are free to leave the workplace without being restrained.

Child labour

All our employees under permanent basis are over 18 years of age. In case of “youth employment” or “student work” the following rules apply:

·        All young employees are over 13 years of age.

·        Young employees between the ages of 13 and 15 only perform light work.

·        Young employees between the ages of 13 and 15 work a maximum of two hours per day.

·        Parents of youth employees between the ages of 13 and 15 are informed of the work and the conditions under which the work is performed.

·        Youth employees under the age of 18 do not perform dangerous work or work at night.

·        All apprentices in the company are above the age of 15 and work as part of their education.

Work environment Health and Safety policy

·        We engage in targeted and systematic efforts to continuously improve the working environment.

Working conditions incl. accidents

·        All production phases are planned and organized with full consideration for health and safety concerns.

·        If possible, risks are eliminated at the source.

·        As far as possible, work is adapted to the individual employee in relation to the construction of the workplace and choice of work equipment as well as work and production methods.

·        Monotonous and repetitive work is limited in order to minimize the health effects of this work.

·        The company does not use installations and work methods which may pose a significant danger for employees during their work.

Safe buildings

·        All buildings, facilities, areas etc. to which company employees have access in the course of their work are designed, constructed and used in such a way that they are safe and without risks to the health of the employees.

·        The workplace is designed with consideration for safety and health concerns, based on an assessment of the working environment conditions that may have an effect on physical or psychological health.

·        The workplace is designed so that it is possible to escape and to rescue people in the event of fire and other accidents.

Fire Safety

·        We have taken the necessary precautions and made the necessary plans in regard to fire and evacuation of the employees.

·        Sufficient number of escape routes and emergency exits are available.

·        Emergency exit doors and gates are easily and safely opened and with free passage.

·        A sufficient number of functional fire extinguishers have been installed.

Employee training

·        The company’s employees are trained in general health and safety. This means that:

       Each of the company’s employees, regardless of the nature and length of the employment relation, receive adequate and suitable training and instruction in how to perform the work free of risks.

       The company pays the costs for training and instruction in how to perform the work free of risks.

       The training and instruction take place during working hours.

Psychological working environment

·        The work in the company poses minimal risks to the deterioration of physical or psychological health.

·        Monotonous, repetitive work, which may be hazardous to physical or psychological health in the short or long term, is avoided or limited.

·        The work place does not constitute a danger of deterioration of physical or psychological health in the short or long term.

·        Isolated work, which may be hazardous to physical or psychological health, is avoided or limited.

·        The work does not constitute a risk of deterioration of physical or psychological health because of bullying, including sexual harassment.


·        None of the company’s employees give or receive unjustified advantages from public officials or employees in private companies.

·        None of extortion or bribery or favoritism to or from employees or organizations are tolerated.

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