For Maise, the Vision table has made her school day better and more comfortable, and it enables her to participate on more equal terms with her classmates.
The challenge
Maise Brostrøm is 10 years old and born with a rare type of muscular dystrophy. It means that Maise is fully dependent on her wheelchair. Maise always has a helper with her at school, and she needs special aids because of her handicap.
Maise has difficulties leaning over a table when she is writing or drawing. It is also difficult to get a comfortable sitting position at an ordinary table. Partly because there is no room for the wheelchair, and partly because the table height and the tabletop cannot be adjusted.
”Maise’s Ropox table is indispensable for her at school.” says Jane, the mother of Maise
The strategy
It is important to Maise that she does not stick out in class, and that is the reason the family wanted to find an aid that could help Maise participate on the same terms as her classmates.
The family was looking for a flexible aid with a simple design that would match an ordinary classroom. Also, it had to be easy to operate so Maise could become as self-reliant as possible, and at the same time allow her to adjust it when necessary.
”It is important to Maise that she doesn’t stick out in class, and the Ropox table allows her to adjust the table to the same height as the other tables in the classroom.” says Jane, the mother of Maise
The solution
The Brostrøm family chose the ROPOX Vision table because it fits Maise’s needs perfectly. Maise can adjust the table height and tilt the tabletop herself. It means that Maise does not have to lean over the tabletop, but the tabletop can be tilted to an inclined position. This provides Maise with a comfortable sitting position when she writes, reads or draws.
The many, little details give Maise optimum conditions: The oblong MagRule magnet keeps books and papers fastened on the tabletop; there is a piece of the tabletop which is always horizontal for safekeeping of books and pencil house; there are brake wheels; and there is a hook for hanging the school bag. Furthermore, there is a built-in safety stop eliminating the risk of Maise getting jammed when adjusting the height or tabletop.
The result
Because Maise can adjust the table height and tilt the tabletop, she can set the table to the same height as the other tables in the classroom, and this means a lot to Maise. At the same time, Maise gets an ergonomic and comfortable sitting position when doing school work which is important for her well-being at school.
For Maise, the Vision table has made her school day better and more comfortable, and it enables her to participate on more equal terms with her classmates.
Do you need the story of Maise Broestrøm as print. Download pdf here.