
Upper Cabinets

Height-adjustable Kitchen upper cabinets for disabled

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Height adjustable kitchen upper wall cabinets

When a disability-friendly kitchen is created for seniors or people with reduced functional capacity, flexible solutions are required. Amongst others, it may be necessary to use height adjustable upper wall cabinets to make it easier for the user to reach the cabinet contents. This solution is suitable for both sitting wheelchair users and standing use.

Kitchen cabinets for accessible kitchens

For people with mobility disabilities, it can be challenging to use a kitchen unless it has integrated and flexible solutions that make the different parts of the room accessible to them. In our range, you will find both upper cabinets that are height adjustable – either manually or electrically, and upper cabinets that are height adjustable and can move out from the wall to come closer to the user. Diagonal is a lift system that is developed for people with limited physical mobility, and it provides elderly and disabled people with the flexibility and freedom to use the kitchen on equal terms with everyone else. There is also a solution where the cabinets itself stays in place, and only the shelves are height adjustable. These solutions are especially suitable for wheelchair users who will have easy access to perform daily tasks in the kitchen.

Kitchen units for disabled and wheelchair users

Our cabinets and units are designed with accessibility in mind. For example, in the case of the VertiElectric, even when the cabinet is set to its lowest position, users will still have available room on the worktop for kitchen utensils. That is an advantage for wheelchair users as they can use the kitchen without being limited by the flexible cupboards. There may be a need to create flexible kitchens in both private homes and sheltered accommodations, but also special schools and nursing homes use the cabinet lift system to give users with disability the option to become as self-reliant as possible.
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