Disability Friendly Kitchen

Flexible kitchen solutions that increases self-reliance and provides greater accessibility for everyone

Flexible, accessible
and user-friendly kitchens

A kitchen is one of the rooms we use most often during a day, and it is important that it is easy to use – even if you have reduced functional capacity. That is why we have developed solutions for the disability friendly kitchen that everyone can use.

Upper Wall Cabinets

Hight-adjustable and movable solutions that makes it easier for the user to reach the cabinet contents.

Kitchen Tables

Tables and worktops that are mounted on a stable and height adjustable lifting system that allows for comfort.

Disability friendly kitchen
Height adjustable kitchen cabinets

Upper wall cabinets

When a kitchen is created for seniors or people with reduced physical capacity, special solutions are required. Amongst others, it may be necessary to use height adjustable upper wall cabinets for the disability friendly kitchen to make it easier for the user to reach the cabinet contents.

In our range, you will find both upper cabinets that are height adjustable – either manually or electrically, and upper cabinets that are height adjustable and can move out from the wall to come closer to the user. There is also a solution where the cabinets itself stays in place, and only the shelves are height adjustable.

Kitchen worktops and dining tables

There are often certain requirements for the kitchen table when a kitchen is to be used by people with mobility disabilities. That is the reason we have developed a solution where the kitchen worktop is mounted on a stable and height adjustable lifting system. That allows e.g. wheelchair users to adjust the table to the height they need in order to sit comfortably by the table.

The liting systems are available with either manual or electrical adjustment and it is also possible to choose stationary brackets where the height is adjusted in intervals of 42 mm. This solution is suitable in kitchens where you only need to adjust the height occasionally, e.g. in senior housings where the kitchen is adjusted when a new resident moves in.

Height adjustable kitchen worktops

Elegant and high-quality design

ROPOX kitchen solutions have possibilities to secure the needed flexibility and accessibility that people with limited physical abilities need, but it does not mean that you compromise on the look of the kitchen. All of the sophisticated features are hidden so you can keep a gorgeous and stylish kitchen interior.

You will also find an elegant, height adjustable table frame for the kitchen dining table where you get to choose what kind of worktop should go on top. This way you can make sure, the dining table matches the rest of the kitchen interior.

ROPOX kitchen solutions possess all of these qualities – and they are furthermore made in quality materials matching modern homes.

Kitchen for disabled

Adjustable solutions that fit the individual's needs

In our kitchen product range, you will find solutions for upper wall cabinets, kitchen worktops, and dining tables. All assistive technologies developed specifically for the elderly and disabled.

Flexibility, accessibility, and user-friendliness are some of the most important ingredients in a disability friendly kitchen. The flexibility ensures that the kitchen products are adjustable to fit the individual user’s needs. The accessibility makes it possible for everyone to use the kitchen and that there is plenty of legroom under the kitchen table. And the user-friendliness makes it easy to adjust and operate the different kitchen products.

Ropox Kitchen Solutions

Self Reliance

The kitchen solutions make users more independent and self-reliant in the kitchen due to the adjustment possibilities.

Greater Accessibility

The height adjustment makes the kitchen accessible to standing and seated users, and it is great when children help in the kitchen.

Individual Needs

The solutions are flexible and make it possible to create a kitchen that matches the individual's special needs.

Stylish Design

The lifting systems can be mounted on a regular kitchen to create disability friendly kitchens that looks like a normal kitchen.

Private & Institutions

The kitchen solutions are suitable for training kitchens or in private homesm senior housing, schools, and institutions.

Accessible Kitchen - Film