

Ergonomic and height adjustable daycare changing table developed specifically for child care centers


Daycare changing tables with electric height adjustment

The height-adjustable Medi2 daycare changing table is designed for professional child care environments like preschools, daycare centres and nurseries.

With a 40 height adjustment range, the child care workers can easily adjust the height to a comfortable and healthy position.

They can also lower the table to 60 cm, allowing toddlers to crawl on the table. Smaller children can use a two-step ladder to get on the table.

The height adjustment control switch is conveniently placed on top of the lifting unit. The child care workers can easily reach the control switch, and at the same time, it is out of reach for the children.

Medi2 changing table comes with practical wire baskets under the tabletop, and the ergonomic design ensures maximum comfort for both children and care workers.

User-friendly daycare changing table that minimizes heavy lifting of children

Medi2 is a practical daycare changing table which in many ways is identical to the Maxi2 changing table. The difference lies in the height adjustment range. Where Maxi2 has a 60 cm range from 40 cm to 100 cm, the Medi2 has a range of 40 cm going from 60 cm to 100 cm.

The benefit of a height-adjustable daycare changing table is the improved working environment for the child care workers. As the care workers can lower the table, they can avoid the heavy lifting, when they assist children on the changing table. Instead, they can simply lower the table, allowing the children to crawl on the table. For the smallest toddlers, you can use a two-step ladder with an anti-slip surface, in connection with the changing table. See more under the ‘Accessories’ tab.

Once the toddler has crawled onto the changing table, the care workers can raise the table with a light push on the control switch. The switch is conveniently placed on top of the lifting unit where it is out of reach for the children.

Heavy lifting is one of the primary professional health issues of child care workers. Using Medi2, you can minimise the amount of lifting, and offer the staff a healthy working environment.

Available with or without washbasin

Medi2 is available with or without a washbasin. The model without a washbasin is 90 x 80 cm, making it suitable in smaller changing rooms or in settings where a washbasin is located nearby.

The model with a washbasin has a tabletop size of 130 x 80/60 cm. The integrated washbasin makes it easy and safe to change and wash the children because you can keep your eyes on the child at all times. The table is 80 cm deep at the end where the child lies. At the washbasin end, the table curves inward and is only 60 cm deep. The ergonomic shape provides a large area for the child and allows the care worker easy reach of the control switch and washbasin.

Ergonomic design protects children and care workers

The ergonomic design of Medi2 is not only practical but also highly comfortable. The rounded edges protect the children from scratching themselves on sharp corners. The tabletop shape provides a comfortable lying area for the children, while the care workers have nappies, washcloths, etc. within easy reach in the wire baskets under the tabletop.

Height adjustment for optimum working conditions

Using the control switch, the child care workers can adjust the height of the changing table. The minimum height is 60 cm and the maximum height is 100 cm. This means that the changing table can migrate 40 cm in total, and it takes just 8 seconds for the table to go from the lowest to the highest point.

If smaller children need support to crawl on the table, you can use a 2-step ladder. The ladder has a non-slip surface and stands firmly on the ground. This way, the children can take a few steps and then get on the changing table themselves. Enabling the children to help get on the table unassisted, protects the care workers health as they avoid lifting the children.

Extra storage and safety

Medi2 comes with wire baskets underneath the tabletop for nappies, waste bags and washcloths. Should you need more storage, there is a basket unit available that can be placed on the side of the changing table. The basket unit is made of water-resistant white compact laminate cover that is practical and cleaning-friendly.

There is also the possibility to add extra safety measures to Medi2. For example, you can fit bed guards to protect the child from falling over the sides. You can also fit a side cover to create a private changing space if you have two changing tables next to each other.

The practical features and ergonomic design makes Medi2 an attractive solution for professional child care settings that need a height-adjustable changing table but can suffice with a shorter height adjustment range than the Maxi2 has.

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